Edwardian Conservatory Prices & Costs 2023

Edwardian Conservatory Prices & Costs 2023

Written by  John Davies
Last updated: February 6, 2025
  • Edwardian conservatory prices range from £10,000 to £23,600

Edwardian conservatories do not cost too much more than lean-to conservatories. However, the Edwardian conservatory prices range from £10,000 to £23,600. It all depends on the size of the extension, the design, and the installer’s charges. The average cost for an Edwardian conservatory can be estimated at around £15,000 when considering the most possible sizes and designs.

Edwardian conservatories are a favourite among British homeowners because of their versatility and their beautiful finish. They stand apart from lean-to-conservatories, which are some of the lowest-cost options, by having an apex-pitched roof. An Edwardian conservatory will add an element of modernity to your home while preserving its chique Edwardian-era flavour. This type of conservatory is built to fit seamlessly in with your house and add an element of freshness while being fully functional.

This conservatory design has a wide array of options you can choose from. The walls can either be a mix of glass and brick, glass and panelling, or full glass. Most Edwardian conservatory roofs are made of glass, but they can also be made from polycarbonate or tiles. Glass conservatory roofs allow for more natural light to enter the room and is a good option if you are a natural light lover.

You have various flooring options to choose from for your new conservatory. Several popular choices are hardwood flooring, tiled flooring, and you can also go for heated flooring as an extra option.

How much does an Edwardian conservatory cost?

The two main cost factors affecting your conservatory cost will be the cost of materials and labour. It will also depend on which part of the UK you are in, as Conservatory installers have different overhead costs across the UK.

An Edwardian conservatory will also increase in cost as the size of the conservatory increases. Conservatory design (either dwarf wall, full height, or full height bottom-panel) will also be a determinant factor.

The building of an Edwardian conservatory extension to your home can be broken down into three parts. The main expense is normally material cost and transportation (logistics), then the labour cost of your contractor. One of the costs most people don’t initially consider is the ground preparation and foundation, which is one of the most critical parts of the production of a conservatory. You should consult some conservatory installers to assess this aspect for you.

What is the average cost of an Edwardian conservatory?

It is important to note that, since the range of Edwardian conservatory prices is quite large, your particular conservatory might not fall into the average price range. A lot will depend on how much your conservatory installer charges you and how much the logistics charges are for your conservatory’s materials.

3500 x 3500EdwardianPolycarbonate£9,500
3500 x 3500EdwardianGlass£10,850
3500 x 3500EdwardianGuardian Roof£13,000
3500 x 3500EdwardianTiled£14,000
3500 x 4000EdwardianPolycarbonate£11,100
3500 x 4000EdwardianGlass£11,900
3500 x 4000EdwardianGuardian Roof£14,300
3500 x 4000EdwardianTiled£15,200
4000 x 4000EdwardianPolycarbonate£12,900
4000 x 4000EdwardianGlass£13,500
4000 x 4000EdwardianGuardian Roof£15,500
4000 x 4000EdwardianTiled£16,700
3500 x 3500Edwardian/WoodPolycarbonate£13,900
3500 x 3500Edwardian/WoodGlass£10,500
3500 x 3500Edwardian/WoodGuardian Roof£16,800
3500 x 3500Edwardian/WoodTiled£18,200
3500 x 4000Edwardian/WoodPolycarbonate£15,600
3500 x 4000Edwardian/WoodGlass£17,000
3500 x 4000Edwardian/WoodGuardian Roof£20,000
3500 x 4000Edwardian/WoodTiled£20,500
4000 x 4000Edwardian/WoodPolycarbonate£19,200
4000 x 4000Edwardian/WoodGlass£20,000
4000 x 4000Edwardian/WoodGuardian Roof£22,000
4000 x 4000Edwardian/WoodTiled£23,000

Why choose an Edwardian conservatory?

If you have the budget required to go for an Edwardian conservatory, there are several benefits. An Edwardian conservatory preserves some historically valued craftsmanship and ornate design while moving away from the classic Victorian era. The stress is placed on spaciousness, elegance, transparency, and openness while retaining glamour.

While an orangery is quite a beautiful addition to any house, an Edwardian conservatory has some significant advantages over it. It allows you to enjoy some of the benefits of renaissance splendour while avoiding most building regulations and restrictions placed on sturdier and heavier extensions to homes by building authorities. The main advantage of an Edwardian conservatory over an orangery is that it is less expensive on average.

An Edwardian conservatory can also be built without the complications present in a P-type conservatory. A P-type conservatory will have a part of the structure jutting out of the main extension in the shape of the top part of the letter P. This has added value for a homeowner with a special use for a space of that shape in mind. However, it is an unwanted expense for most people and takes away from the simple beauty of an elegant Edwardian conservatory design.

An L-type conservatory can be quite like an Edwardian conservatory when it comes to building options and type of conservatory roof except for having an additional side of the conservatory be part of the house. These types of conservatories have more limited functionality when compared to other conservatories as the view is somewhat constricted. A homeowner with the space for an Edwardian conservatory will not need to worry about such restrictions. An Edwardian conservatory also has a much more elegant style and adds more to the home’s value.

One of the most popular conservatories is the lean-to conservatory design. When compared to a lean-to conservatory, an Edwardian conservatory is a lot more attractive through its elegance and should add more to the value of your home. Additionally, a lean-to conservatory might not seem as spacious from the inside, as the slope of the conservatory’s roof usually continues the main roof’s pitch. A traditional Edwardian conservatory has an apex pitched roof that makes the extension seem like a well-planned part of the main house. While the cost of an Edwardian conservatory is slightly higher than a lean-to conservatory’s cost, the value you get back from the expenditure is well worth it.

Dwarf Wall or Full Glass

One of the main things you will have to decide on when looking at Edwardian conservatories is the type of wall. The two main types of walls available for this conservatory are full-height glass walls or dwarf walls. Full height glass walls are further subdivided into original full-height glass walls and full-height glass walls with bottom panelling.

One of the factors you will have to consider when you decide on the type of conservatory wall is what you will be using your conservatory for. Is the area where your home is situated safe, or is there some risk of a break-in? Is your conservatory going to be placed in a completely secluded spot, or will your neighbours overlook it? Do you want a low-maintenance option for your new conservatory? Do you need a lot of wall sockets and other fixtures in your new conservatory? Do you want your new extension to add maximum value to your home to increase its resale value?

Dwarf Walls

A dwarf wall serves many functions and can be a good investment on many fronts. A dwarf wall gives you a minimal amount of privacy and reduces the risk of damage from small children. It allows you to place as many power outlets and other fixtures as you need without ruining the aesthetic of your new home space. Dwarf walls significantly augment the structural integrity of your conservatory. Dwarf walls can help your conservatory look like it’s part of the house instead of just an extension.

It is easier to maintain a dwarf wall than full-height glass as there is much less glass to clean! This is especially handy if you have toddlers constantly exploring their surroundings with their sticky little fingers.

Full height glass walls with bottom panelling have many advantages dwarf walls have. You can have all the advantages of a dwarf wall’s privacy features. While being cheaper than the dwarf wall option, a conservatory with full-height glass walls with bottom panelling is much less sturdy and will not add as much value as a dwarf walled conservatory.

Full Height Glass

Edwardian Full Glass

A full-height glass conservatory will maximize everything you built a conservatory for in the first place. You will get the maximum light you could get into your new home space while inviting nature right into your living area. These walls have windows and doors that reach from the bottom to the top of the conservatory eaves. However, while being extremely elegant to look at, they have a few disadvantages compared to the other types of Edwardian conservatories.

For glass panelling and windows, there are three options. You can go for either glazed panels or standard glass, depending on where your house is located. If you go for glazed panels, there are two options, double-glazed and triple-glazed panelling. There are two sheets of glass in a double-glazed panel within which there is an insulating gas. In a triple-glazed panel, there are three sheets of glass within which a similar insulating gas is present. The type of glass you use for your panelling and windows will depend on what you use your conservatory for.

If you plan to use your conservatory only during the summer and have insulating doors that divide your conservatory from the main house, then the standard glass panelling will be just fine. If you are looking to use your conservatory all year round, you should go for the glazed panelling. The type of glazed panelling depends on how cold your winters get and whether the extra cost of the triple glazed panelling is worth it. If the return on investment through energy savings will take over 10 years, then the additional expenditure on triple-glazed panelling might be unneeded.

Edwardian conservatory frame choice and prices

Your new conservatory’s frame can be made from either wood, aluminium or uPVC, descending order from the most expensive to the least expensive. Each type of frame has its own advantages and disadvantages. When deciding on what kind of frame to go for, you should consider the price, durability, maintenance time/expense, conservatory design, and home design.

Wooden frame Edwardian conservatory

Wooden frames come in either softwood or hardwood. Timber frames will give your conservatory a richness and an elegance you won’t be able to get from any of the other types of frames. However, wood is the hardest of all types of frames to maintain. You will have to ensure that maintenance takes place during timely intervals to prevent warping, rotting, infestation, or other types of deterioration.

Wooden frames are also the highest cost frame option you can use when building your conservatory, and they can cost as much as 50% higher than uPVC frames and 30% more than aluminium frames. As long as the wooden frame is prepared correctly and carefully installed, you can help maintain it by wiping down and cleaning it every 6 months.

Aluminium frame Edwardian conservatory

Aluminium frames are the most durable types of frames available for your conservatory project. Aluminium also has the most stable structure, making it less visible when making your frame (the framing can be made relatively thin while retaining its strength). If you want to get the maximum natural light in, then an aluminium frame might be the option for you. Aluminium frames also require the least maintenance, and the frame will probably outlast most of the rest of the house it’s attached to!

This frame is moderately priced and will only cost you about 20-25% more than a uPVC frame. It has the best ROI when considering how long it will maintain its elegance. From a pure investment perspective, an aluminium framed conservatory will get you the most returns when re-selling your home in the event you decide to do so.

uPVC frame Edwardian conservatory

A uPVC frame for your conservatory will be the lightest on your wallet. uPVC frames come in a wide variety of colours and can even be made to mimic a wooden frame. This type of frame only requires moderate maintenance and will have average longevity. uPVC frames are also easy to install and easily fit into any home design.

However, uPVC loses its lustre faster than aluminium frames do. You can expect a uPVC frame to cost about 33% less than a wooden frame and about 15-20% less than an aluminium one. uPVC frames are still a great option and are one of the most popular options available.

Edwardian conservatory roof choice and prices

There are three options available to you when looking at Edwardian conservatories, a glass roof, a tiled roof, or a polycarbonate roof. Each type of roof has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it’s important to consider why you are building the conservatory in the first place when you decide on what type of roof to go for.

It would help if you considered how much sun you want in your conservatory, what the design of your house is, how much of a cost you can bear and how much time and money you want to spend maintaining the roof in the long run. Another main point to consider is how much heat will be lost by the roof as hot air rises to the top, and a lot of heat can be lost through a conservatory roof. The type of roof also makes a considerable contribution to an Edwardian conservatory’s cost.

Polycarbonate Edwardian conservatory

polycarbonate roof
The cheapest and most easily installed roofing option is the polycarbonate roof, and these come in a range of 1cm to 3.5cm in thickness. The thicker the polycarbonate roofing, the better the heat conservation will be, though it will still be less than other roofing options. Polycarbonate roofs can look quite similar to double-glazed glass roofs but require more maintenance than them.

The durability of a polycarbonate roof is less than that of a double-glazed roof. The overall cost of a polycarbonate roof can be as much as 35% lower than a tiled roof and the installation process is the quickest and easiest of the three. A polycarbonate roof might not be the best option to go for since it cheapens the final look of the conservatory.

Glass Edwardian conservatory roof

One of the more favoured conservatory roofing styles is the glass roof. It helps Edwardian-style conservatories amplify their design simplicity while maximizing the amount of sun that comes through. Most people also imagine Glass roofs when thinking of a conservatory and will always optimally serve a conservatory’s functionality.

The most popular option for roof glass panelling is double-glazed panelling, though single and triple-glazed panelling are also popular. Double glazing is cost-efficient and reduces unwanted condensation on the roof, though triple glazing is required for maximizing heat conservation. Some people even consider glass roofs to be self-cleaning. We can be sure that this type of roof doesn’t require much effort to maintain well.

One of the disadvantages of a glass roof is that you have almost no protection against the effects of harmful sunlight on wooden flooring and furniture. While it might add an additional cost, it’s recommended that you get tinted glass to minimize this unintended negative effect.

Tiled Edwardian conservatory roof

Tiled roofs are the most expensive option for Edwardian conservatories, and they come in a few varieties, such as concrete, slate, and synthetic slate. The slate styles are looked on by installers as the ultimate best option and will fit in well with an Edwardian conservatory. Artificial slate styles are becoming more popular as they mimic some of the elegance of original slate tiles while coming in various colours. Concrete tiles are priced very competitively and also come in a mix of different colours.

Tiled roofs are the best at conserving heat, dealing with excess condensation, and providing the most insulation against sound. While it might seem counter-intuitive, you can get up to 95% of the light that’s streaming into your conservatory through just one skylight on a tiled roof. However, you can expect to pay a premium exceeding 40% for a high-quality tiled roof compared to a polycarbonate or glass roof.

You can reduce your roofing expenditure by going for a pre-assembled tiled roof called a guardian roof. They can be as much as 20% less expensive as a tiled roof built from scratch with a considerably shorter installation time. As it is pre-assembled to dimensions, the installer brings the roof and fixes it onto the structure for a quick finish.

Edwardian conservatory security features

Modern conservatories have a lot of security features to ensure that your conservatory is not the weakest spot in your home security-wise. One of the leading security features that have been incorporated into conservatories is the use of push bolts for windows and the use of toughened glass to prevent smash-and-grab burglars from entering. You can also ensure that internal beading is present on glass panelling to ensure that uninvited guests cannot lift the glass panels to enter from the outside.

Conservatory doors can be fitted with anti-force hinges that prevent the doors from being popped off their hinges and forced open. External doors such as bi-folds and French doors can be fitted with multi-point locking systems to ensure that they can’t be forced open. You can also ensure that your conservatory meets the high BS7412 and BS7950 British security standards to ensure you have the best possible security.

Main features of an Edwardian conservatory

A few features set an Edwardian conservatory apart from alternate conservatory designs. Each one has a signature flat front, and it also has a rectangular floor design that goes together with the flat front for a rectangular style. This is distinctly different from a Victorian-era multi-faceted conservatory design.

Edwardian conservatories also shun extra ornate detailing favouring plain glass to give the best possible view of the outside. The conservatory’s roof is generally a pitched roof with three slopes emanating from its central ridge. While rare, a four-sided roof can also be present in this type of conservatory.

They have a more modern look and can incorporate either bi-fold or French doors, which sometimes consume the whole width of the conservatory. You can also add dwarf walls into the mix to give more stability to the overall structure. While it is not specifically a feature, many homeowners who build Edwardian conservatories also go for a white structure. This goes well with the sleek minimalist style of this type of conservatory.

Benefits of Edwardian conservatories

The classic style of this type of conservatory with its modern design allows your floor space to be increased without sacrificing the overall look of your house while also adding to your house value.

Vitamin D deficiency is a common problem in the UK, especially during the sun-scarce winter months. One survey found that about 1 in 5 adults and children have low vitamin D levels. Their open design will enable you and your family to bask in valuable sunlight throughout the year.

As this type of conservatory maximizes floor space, you can easily install a small self-sustaining farming system such as an aquaponics farm for fresh veggies and fruit throughout the year.

What does an Edwardian conservatory look like?

They are a mix of the chique minimalist elegance of the modern architecture and the intricate ornate glamour of the Victorian era. This type of conservatory focuses on wide square and rectangular spaces, openness, and transparency. However, the structure and fixtures can be a little bit more ornate, augmenting the simplicity of the overall design with unobtrusive beauty.

As there can be either dwarf walls, full-length glass, or full-length glass with polycarbonate panelling, the view from the outside of the conservatory can be quite variable. When viewing the conservatory from the outside, the prominent features would be its flat surfaces and extensive glass panelling.

Both the glass and polycarbonate roofing that’s available look spectacular. The roof’s angular structure and central ridge allow the conservatory to look almost independent from the main house’s structure.

If the roofing option that’s selected is tile, a skylight will allow all the needed light into the conservatory. The rich-looking tiled roof will make the conservatory join seamlessly to the original house, making it look like part of the house’s original plan instead of an extension added later.

Do I need planning permission for my Edwardian conservatory?

Many building authorities across the country have relaxed the red tape around home improvement and extensions in a bid to increase overall housing quality. However, you need to check with your local building authority to ensure that no part of your conservatory’s building plan conflicts with the local authority’s housing/building regulations.

As a rule of thumb, you can build an extension or conservatory 4 metres from the rear wall of a detached property, and 3 metres from an attached property. If you want to go for something bigger, you might have to consult your neighbours and get their go-ahead. Your conservatory should not exceed a height of 4 metres or the height of your roof, whichever is lower. You should also not build on more than 50% of the original available ground space.

We recommend that, no matter how small you plan on your new conservatory, you get your plans approved by the local building authority before starting construction. Depending on how egregious the infringement, fines can reach up to £5,000.


What is the difference between an Edwardian and Victorian conservatory?

The Edwardian era architecture moved away from the Victorian era’s extremely ornate and luxurious architecture. It moved towards a more minimalist style that focused on wide-open spaces, maximized floor space, and optimized glass and transparent viewing area on the walls. The multi-faceted architecture of a Victorian conservatory was replaced with flat, rectangular and square shapes.

What shape is an Edwardian conservatory?

They look slightly boxy, with sleek, smooth lines and wide, long glass panes in their doors, windows, and walls. The front of an Edwardian will be wide and flat, sometimes filled with French or bi-fold doors. The roof will have a single central ridge and three or four slopes.

What type of roof best suits an Edwardian conservatory?

As an Edwardian conservatory is built to add some elegance to the house it’s made for; the best roofing options will be either a double-glazed roof or a tiled roof. A polycarbonate conservatory roof will more than likely take away from the care and effort you took to install an Edwardian conservatory. The more intricate roofing of this type of conservatory will also look shabbier as time goes on, as polycarbonate roofing is not as long-lasting as glass or tiled roofs.

Can you use plain glass panelling with an Edwardian conservatory?

While you can use plain glass panelling for an Edwardian conservatory, it’s not recommended. The heat loss from this type of panelling will more than likely out-cost your initial savings within a couple of years. If you are making an effort to install a sleek new Edwardian conservatory, you should at least go for double-glazed glass for your windows, walls, and roof, as it provides the most bang for your buck. Triple-glazed glass panelling doesn’t have the same investment return as double-glazed paneling.

What is the difference between an Edwardian conservatory and an orangery?

An orangery is built out of brick and has large glass windows. The original orangery designs inspired conservatory designs. Orangeries are more expensive and don’t have as much incoming light as an Edwardian conservatory. Edwardian conservatories are more minimalist, are less costly to build, and have a far less ornate structure.

How much should you keep aside for the groundwork and foundation?

On average, the groundwork and foundation will cost around £1,000 to £3,000, depending on the size of the conservatory. Soils that are softer need much sturdier foundations. Be careful of conservatory installers that try to convince you that you don’t need a foundation for your new conservatory. You will most likely pay for it later when you might even lose out on your entire investment.

Can you install floor heating in a conservatory?

You can install floor heating on any conservatory as long as it is connected to the main house and has access to electricity. This is an excellent option if you plan on using your conservatory during the cold winter months. It is also recommended to consider installing double or triple glazed panelling in your conservatory so that your heating bill doesn’t excessively drain your wallet.

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